We all know how stressful and annoying it is when a perfectly good camping trip, when then sun is shining and everyone is having great fun, suddenly goes downhill.
It starts with clouds forming over top of you, then not long after that it will start drizzling, then before you know it, an entire rainstorm is passing through. What can we do while we are camping in the rain with kids to make our life easier? Well that’s exactly what I will be covering in this article.
Read on to see how my kids and I still have some fun while the rain is pouring down when we’re on a camping trip.
Plan Ahead
If you’re reading this on your camping trip, then you simply cannot plan ahead. But if you’re still at home, then you still have enough time to plan and pack your things.
Plan and gather everything that you will be bringing along with you just in case it does start raining.
Get A Rainy Day Box Ready
A reasonable-sized box filled with all your items to entertain you and the kids in the event it does start raining works wonders. A plastic container does the trick just fine.
I find that a box of goodies for a rainy day is much easier than having all these different items scattered throughout the car, in different boxes, or all over the campsite. You have everything you need in one place only, it makes organizing everything so much easier.
Items To Bring With You
Non-Perishable Foods
Often overlooked by a lot of amateur camp goers. If you’re in the wilderness and you don’t have a tarp or anything to cover your campfire with, you could be left with no food since you can’t get a campfire going to cook it, especially if it’s raining all day.
So remember to stash some non-perishable foods. These are snacks and other easy-to-consume foods that don’t need to be cooked or heated up. This will stop you from having to drive to the nearest shop to spend more money out of your budget that could have easily been avoided if you were prepared in the first place.
Laptop And/Or Portable DVD Player
We all know how fun these things are at home, and they are even better when you are out in the wilderness, with nothing else to do.
Make sure you bring a charger with you so you aren’t left with nothing else to do if it goes flat.
Lego, Jenga, Board Games
You get to have a lot of fun when you build things with Lego, while the time flies by in the process. Not to mention the famous Jenga game, which is known to be extremely fun too, especially when you play it with your kids.
Board games make a viable option for camping in the rain as well. You can play in the car or in the tent, but I would prefer the tent due to the extra space available.
Comic Books And Coloring Books
Comic books are fun to read. However, you will need a lot of them if you wish to pass hours of time since they’re quick and easy to read. This is not my recommended choice.
But coloring books on the other hand, is a much better option. And that’s because time flies when you’re coloring in stuff. The adults can join in too, making it a great choice for both of you!
Puzzles And Toys
Kids love toys. So don’t forget to put a few of their favorite toys in your rain box just in case the inevitable does happen, when you are out in the wilderness with nothing else to do because the rain won’t stop.
The best thing about toys is that younger children/toddlers can be entertained for hours, it’s great
Puzzles get the brain working while also keeping the kids entertained for a long time. Another great reason why you need to put a few puzzles into your rainy day box too.
My Final Thoughts
Just because you are out camping in the wilderness and it starts to rain, that doesn’t necessarily mean your entire trip needs to be cut short as a result.
The ideas mentioned in this article are the ones that have worked really well for me. And that is exactly why I’m recommending them for you to try as well.
You should at least get a goody box created and a non-perishable food stash to bring along with you just in case the rain does come. Because you never know, you could be left without anything to eat if it starts pouring down all day.
Many people recommend exploring and having fun in the outdoors when it’s still raining. Personally, I don’t recommend it one bit. It is way too dangerous and not worth the risk. It is best to wait for the rain to go away.
What’s your favorite activity/game when you’re camping in the rain? Do you have any to share? Please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear what you have to say!