There are SO many reasons for a men’s camping trip to go downhill. I have witnessed it firsthand and I’m sure many of you have as well.
In this article I will be talking about the ins and outs, providing detailed information on what to do and what not to do.
If you are also looking to see how to do it the right way, then I highly suggest you keep reading…
The Wrong Way
Consuming Alcohol Before Setting The Tent Up
Don’t get me wrong, drinking alcohol is definitely on the must-do list when you’re out camping with the boys, but there are just too many people that start as soon as they arrive and end up NOT getting anything done.
This is a recipe for disaster and will likely mean you and your buddies will be sleeping in your sleeping bag under the stars. I hope it doesn’t rain
No One Is Responsible
There is always that one guy at the campsite that has no idea what he’s doing and doesn’t care if his actions will affect other people.
Well my good friends, if you have many people like this going camping with you, it will not end well.
No Formation Whatsoever (No Plan)
This simply means that there is no plan, nobody knows what they have to do at all.
When the guys arrive at the campsite, everyone is just “winging” it. I forbid this type of camping because it’s not the smartest way to go about doing things.
You are only asking for a bad camping trip when you have no plan.
As You Can See…
There is a trend going on here, which you can clearly see by reading the “wrong way” headline.
And what is it?
That common sense is a MUST-HAVE if you want to go on a successful camping trip out with the guys.
Men + alcohol + freedom requires some responsibility, or it will not end well.
Who’s going to step up to the plate? That’s the big question.
It is completely fine to have 1-2 irresponsible men, as long as their are at least 4+ responsible ones to keep them in line, to make sure they sleep in their tent at night and not somewhere out in a cold, damp forest (stone cold drunk), where there’s a chance for them to die from hypothermia.
The Right Way
Have A Plan
Everyone needs a plan, and going on a camping trip is no different. This is so everyone knows what they are suppose to be doing when they arrive at the campsite.
Who’s taking charge of the crew?
If it’s you, then talk about the camping trip with everyone BEFORE embarking on the journey.
Who knows first-aid?
Who will you call if someone is lost?
What’s going to happen if you can’t get the car started?
These are the sorts of questions you should be covering when you’re chatting with your camping crew.
Because a disaster only turns into one when nobody knows how to solve a problem.
Be Responsible
Okay, we get it, women think men simply can not be responsible.
But forget what the wives think of us for a second, because we absolutely CAN, so why don’t we prove it to them
We need to prove that we can have a successful camping trip with just the boys and come back healthy and safe.
Don’t let your drunken friend wander off in the woods because you think it will be funny for him to fall asleep by a tree.
And definitely do not be “that guy” who thinks he should drink loads of alcohol just because he’s on vacation.
But most of all, make sure everyone pitches their tent before they start drinking. I don’t need to say why, as it’s just common sense.
Because guess what?
Your friends may not be out to keep you safe, they might be waiting for you to coma out on the grass so they can put you in a tree, on a floating bed and in a lake, or even beside a steep bank.
You just don’t know, you don’t know how well you know your buddies, so don’t think you are always safe.
Have Fun
Last but not least, having fun is essential when going on a camping trip.
The whole point of a men’s camping trip is to have a great night (or 2), but being completely responsible at the same time.
A trip out with the boys is only a ‘complete’ fail if you don’t enjoy yourself.
If you experience nothing but negativity, bad feelings, and ultimately boredom, then maybe you should reconsider who you go with next time.
My Final Thoughts
Okay, so you and the guys have planned a camping trip together? That’s good, but I hope everyone knows what they are doing and most of the group is responsible.
In every circle, there’s always at least 1 person that doesn’t give a sh*t, so keep an eye on him, because he will most likely be the one to go wandering off in the woods, fall down a bank and seriously injure (or kill) himself.
Thanks for reading
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Camping Mastery