There’s enough stress as it is while going on a camping trip, you have to make sure you have all necessary equipment, you have to hope you’re not missing any essential clothing or items you can’t leave without. Don’t make camping harder than it already is, so try these super-simple meals for camping trips and make your next outdoor adventure a breeze.
Hot Dogs!!!
One of the easiest meals to create over a roaring campfire, and has been for quite some time.
Do not over-cook them though, just enough so when you bite into it, the skin pops. Hot dogs are one of the main camping meals because they are inexpensive, there’s usually a lot in 1 packet, and because they’re processed, you can keep them refrigerated.
- Grill them on a camp stove for simplified cooking
- Or hold them over a blazing campfire with a stick, that is all you need
Satisfy your hunger, and there’s virtually no clean-up!
Pancakes have always been a simple and yum food to make.
Fortunately for us camp goers, we can simplify this recipe by:
- Putting pancake batter in a Ziploc bag, which will need to be prepared beforehand
- When you’re ready to cook just cut the corner of the bag and squeeze the pancake batter out
Now you’re away laughing, no messy bowls or long clean-ups.
Baked Potatoes!!!
This one isn’t rocket science, but a lot of people still forget to try these bad boys.
- Poke some holes in a potato using a fork
- Wrap it in tin foil
- Make sure you pack the tin foil tightly
- Put the potatoes over hot coals (Place on a rock next to a low flame will work as well)
These are usually fully cooked in 30 minutes, see if it’s cooked by poking the potato with a fork.
Add the ingredients as you wish or eat by themselves.
Baked Beans Meal
If you enjoy beans you will LOVE the outdoors, because if there was a signature food for the outdoors it is definitely beans. These can be served in numerous ways.
- Cut up a packet of sausages/hot dogs into slices
- Fry with onions in a skillet until brown
- Pour out the fat
- Add your baked beans
- Start stirring to stop the food from sticking
Best served hot and with ketchup! Yum.
Chili Pie
It’s really not even a pie, it just mimics a pie, as this recipe contains a crust and filling.
- Heat up 2 cans of chili in a dutch oven
- Place tortilla/corn chips around a bowl
- Put the chili over the chips
- You can also add cheese and onions
Technically not a meal, but more of a scrumptious snack. Camping is a vacation, so treat yourself.
Here’s a full list of yummy s’mores on Definitely check it out, it literally has any s’more you can think of (Well, there’s a lot there anyway)- chocolate, birthday, Christmas, spicy, cheesecake AND more.
I’ll be using some of those recipes on my next camping trip for sure!
Breakfast Burritos
No camping meal list is complete without a breakfast burrito mentioned. Most of you may know that I absolutely LOVE my breakfast burrito!
Here’s how to get the most out of them:
- Make a hearty burrito by adding eggs, sausages, lots of cheese, potato and any extras that you want to enjoy.
- When you’ve placed all the goodness to your hearts content, wrap it in tin foil and freeze
When you wake up in the morning, start the campfire and start blazing that beast up by cooking it on the grill or placing it on hot coals.
The Perfect Popcorn
Popcorn is another simple recipe for your camping trip, but best cooked in a “tin foil satchel”. Read instructions below:
- Put popcorn and oil in a heavy duty tin foil (Roughly 18-inch square).
- Seal the edges
- Make sure the pouch is loose with plenty of air inside
- Tie the pouch to a stick using some string
- Shake over the fire until cooked to perfection
Marshmallows With A Twist
What’s better than toasted marshmallows? Well, marshmallows dipped in Bailey’s of course. Keep Out Of Reach Of Children!!! Let the adults have some fun for a change, right?
Warning: Highly Addictive
- Grab your marshmallow, put it on a stick
- Make your marshmallow warm by holding it over hot coals or open flame
- Dip it in a cup of Bailey’s and enjoy
Be prepared for a little mess if you’re not careful, so be sure to have some wipes handy.
Chocolate Eclair
These yummy recipes are a lot easier to make than you think. Find out how below:
- Take a dowel and put cooking oil on the end of it
- Wrap the crescent around the dowel where the oil was placed
- Make sure there’s no holes and it’s not too thick
- Hold over hot coals until golden brown (Make sure it’s not doughy)
- When complete, remove from the dowel
- Add your favorite flavor on the inside
- Add the frosting and whipped cream over top
Not all campfire recipes are going to be simple to make, however with a little effort and preparedness on your part, things can be made a whole lot simpler than if you’re unprepared for your outdoor adventure.
No one likes clean-up duty, and that’s especially true when you’re out camping, as you’ll find out haha.
Thanks for reading this article, I would like to know your favorite outdoor recipes so let me know in the comment section below. Otherwise I think you’ll enjoy reading more camping recipes.
Can’t go wrong with smores and hotdogs! I haven’t tried pancakes on a camping trip yet though. Why didn’t I think of that?!!?? Great tip!
S’mores are great for camping out with mates and beer. Highly recommended! The pancake hack is something I didn’t try until years after camping, so I’m glad I started using it as well.
People only know that outdoor camping go hand by hand with BBQ. Last year we did camping and only BBQ. this year it was the same. I have started to hate the word BBQ now. Its nice to know all these recipes as they can be very quick to make and tasty as well. Moreover kids would like them too.
Thank you for sharing this information with us.
Yes, this is why I love cooking in a dutch oven or over the campfire because simply put, the BBQ does get old and is mostly used at house get-together’s and other events which eventually gets boring. Camping is a time to try new things, and this is a good reason to do just that.
Thanks for the comment Attiq.
I never even thought of having pancakes while camping! What an easy trick to do, duh! lol. That sounds much better tasting than the usual breakfast bar!
Haha, yeah I didn’t know about the pancake hack until my sister showed me it actually. I learn a lot of cooking recipes from her :). Thanks for stopping by Michael.
I haven’t eaten breakfast yet and now I’m starving! I have never seen the marshmallow dipped in bailey’s before but I am definitely going to make this the next time we get together at my in laws (they are obsessed with bailey’s).
Those breakfast burritos also look really good. I like the idea of preparing quite a bit of the food ahead of time so all you have to do is cook it at the camp site.
Great Jeremy, definitely try it out with the in laws and send them to my post haha. Yes – the burritos are simply AMAZING and tasty as hell! Good luck, Brandon
Hey Brandon – I think you forgot the most important one. Burgers! You can’t go wrong throwing a few burgers onto the portable bbq or cooking over an open fire. Simple, quick, and most important of all, tasty. Failing that, a tin of spam will get you out of a hole
Nevertheless, some great ideas here. Kudos.
MMM, yes Burgers
I actually did forget, although they aren’t as fast to cook and prepare, they are easy and really simple once you’ve been doing it for a while and definitely worth the reward (eating them) when they are finished, lol. Great suggestion and thanks for stopping by! And I do agree with you, spams is another quick and tasty meal.
Great suggestions and good luck on your future adventures.