When you think about it, camping can be really overwhelming.
With the vast amount of activities and fun games you can play in the great outdoors, you don’t know which ones you should be choosing.
So I’m here to give you the most fun things to bring camping.
You’ll be able to have some real, awesome fun, while you’re out camping with friends and family!
RC Car/Truck
I’m not talking about the low-powered, boring ones! Get yourself a high-powered, extremely fast one.
Furthermore, get a monster truck, they work amazingly well on the outdoor terrain.
RC Drone With A Camera
You can capture some amazing shots with a drone.
You will be able to see the entire campsite and landscape, so if you’re in the wilderness, record it!
I can’t stress enough how epic it is to capture footage with a birds-eye view.
Most drones allow you to save everything that it records, so save your recording to your computer and view it again and again, even decades later.
We all played with one of these when we were kids, and they’re just as fun to use as adults too!
If you have an open field/area, I highly recommend grabbing a Frisbee and just having some general outdoor fun with your friends and family.
High-Powered Flashlights
I’ve had countless amounts of fun just from using one of these. A high-powered flashlight being used for spotlight is so much fun.
If you don’t want to play spotlight, turn it on and move it around your campsite.
Just by brightening up the distance and trying to find wild animals is JUST as fun.
Inflatable Pool Chair
More often than not, you’ll be swimming in a lake, river, or water hole, correct? Why not do it in style and complete comfort?
When you’re out camping, relaxing is a big part of that experience. Having an inflatable pool chair will amplify that process by 10x more!
Don’t believe me? You place one of these chairs on a calm lake, then come back and tell me how good it was
Go Pro Camera
Just like a drone, cameras are fricken amazing (Go Pros are even better). You can then capture all your favorite experiences and memories, giving you something to look back on later in life.
Better yet, they are waterproof so you can record yourself diving into the water!
As they always say, “when you’re on your death bed, you regret the things you didn’t do more than the things you did do”.
What does this mean?
Make the most of life while you have a chance, because it can literally be gone in an instant.
Having as much fun as possible while you’re in the outdoors should easily be your #1 priority, not including safety, of course.
I guarantee that if you take at least ONE item from the list above and use it on your next camping trip, you will experience a whole lot more fun than if you didn’t take one at all.
Remember, there’s a lot of activities you can engage in when you’re in the outdoors, so read my full activity list here if you wish to learn them all.
Do you have a favorite item/gadget that you like to on a camping trip? Let us know in the comment section below
Hey Brandon,
I think that you have come up with a great list for additional camping entertainment. I have a few ideas that I’d like to pass along. I haven’t had a chance to fully explore your whole web site, yet, so if I mention some items that you’ve already covered in other areas, I apologize in advance.
Most of my recommendations involve using electronics. I’m sure that there are some purists out there who would frown on too much use of tech while camping, but, some of my suggestions are safety related, so I think it wouldn’t too be bad to include them.
I take both my iPhone and iPad with me on my campouts.
I try to avoid over-use of them – I’m trying to get away, after all. These recommendations are available on Android products, I’m sure. Some of these suggestions require some kind of internet connection, so “data charges may apply.”
Radar and Weather apps.
These can be invaluable items, especially while camping. It’s so much better to be able to see what kind of weather is coming at you, rather than being surprised by a sudden storm blowing through your campsite. I find it enjoyable just to see what kind of weather is going on around you.
An Astronomy App.
Especially if you’re able to camp in an area with little, or no, light pollution (that’s part of the reason to camp, right?), then using an astronomy app can be a blast. You may as well know what the object is that you’re observing. You can also probably use it to get sunrise/sunset information, too. I use the “Starmap2” app and find it easy and fun to use.
Weather Radio.
If you don’t want to, or can’t, use a phone or tablet, a weather radio would be a great addition – for all of the reasons above.
A Telescope.
It doesn’t have to be a huge, cumbersome scope. But, if you have some room for it, it can be fun to use for some of the reasons above. I don’t bring mine very often, but, it can be enjoyable to use, now and then.
A Night Vision Scope.
There’s all kinds of reasons for bringing one of these scopes along on a campout. There will probably an abundant amount of wild life to observe just outside of your campfire light ring. I recently purchased the “Night Owl iGEN 20/20 Day/Night Vision Monocular (3x)” from Amazon. I haven’t been camping since I purchased it, so, I’m really looking forward to trying it soon. I have owned an earlier generation 1 scope, before, so it will be interesting to see how good of an upgrade this one will be.
I hope that some folks might enjoy any of these recommendations. They sure add an entertainment value to my camping experience. Thanks for providing a great web site!
Wow! That’s a great list you have put together for us, John. Thanks for taking the time to write and share with us all. I totally agree on all of them, however, the Night Vision Scope and Telescope are the ones that interest me the most. I enjoy a bit of night exploring, so this would be a fantastic idea. Oh yeah, and the radio is definitely a must-have if you want to avoid a rainstorm.
Take care
Oh man, Brandon, sorry bother you one more time, but I forgot one of my favorites:
Of course, you can use it for some of the obvious things, like going hiking and finding your way back to camp. However, it can be used a lot for entertainment activities like Geocaching and location based type of games like fox-hunting and “Capture the Flag”.
[BTW — I’m an avid user of GPS’s, that’s why I couldn’t believe that I left it out of my original list. Even my ham radio call is W0GPS…]
Ok, I’ll quit taking over your article — sorry.
Oops, didn’t notice that you replied. That’s okay mate. I’m open to conversation, and I didn’t think of a GPS either. What a great idea.
Thanks for stopping by again,