Camping has been a highly popular vacation to go on for many years now.
And you’d think avid campers learn a lot of valuable lessons, right?
I have learned many great lessons just from camping – from childhood all the way to adulthood.
I’m here to share the very best ones that have helped me in my life and many others that have taken them on board.
So let’s get right into it. I’m sure your dying to see them
1. We are More Vulnerable Than We Think
Sometimes we think we have a giant bubble around us, and that nobody can touch us.
But when we get out of civilization and in the wilderness, it doesn’t take long for reality to hit.
There’s no one to save you if you get hurt, and “that bear” just 50 meters away can (and might) attack at any moment.
It’s knowing what to do and what not to do when you’re in this situation.
But do believe this, the only “bubble” that will keep you safe is your brain and your ability to use it.
Which brings me to my next point, self-trust.
2. Self-Trust and Confidence Levels
The more you spend time in the outdoors, the easier it is to spot hazards, to set everything up, to sense danger, and to pack up in a fast amount of time.
You will start to trust yourself a lot more and your confidence levels will sky rocket.
I highly believe that camping all my life has made me who I am today.
3. We Have it Easy and We Should be Grateful for That
Next time you complain about your life, think about how hard it was back in our cavemen days.
There was no YouTube, no Instagram, no Snapchat, and no Facebook – well no technology for that matter.
There was no clean running water and no food in the cupboards to grab at our disposal.
We had to fight to live, and we risked our lives every single day just to eat.
When was the last time you had to do that? Probably never.
4. Our Time on Earth is Very Limited
When I realized how vulnerable we are in the wilderness, I soon discovered something.
Our time on earth is very limited.
We are not guaranteed tomorrow.
We aren’t even guaranteed the rest of the day for that matter!
Realizing that we could be gone at any minute made me appreciate life more.
The question is: Do you want to be sitting on your death bed wondering where all the time went, or do you want to live in the NOW and create thousands upon thousands of great memories for you to look back on?
I know what I would choose.
And that’s if we’re lucky enough to make it that far.
5. Teamwork Makes Everything 100x Easier
When you’re camping alone, you soon realize how difficult it is to do everything.
Pitching the tent, collecting firewood, building the campfire, preparing and cooking dinner – all of this is a lot of work for one person.
However, having other campers help just makes it a breeze.
Bottom line: You will not 100% realize how hard it is until you try do everything yourself!
Having great teamwork helps with activities back in the real world as well.
6. Planning Is Key
Going out and “winging” everything is a recipe for disaster, as you’ve probably found out firsthand.
I’ve discovered over the years that if you plan before you execute, you will have a much better time.
Planning is KEY for a great time!
Don’t get me wrong, you can absolutely have a great trip just by winging it. As a matter of fact, those are when the best memories are created.
But my point is; those opportunities are rare, and your chances of having a bad trip is much higher than an amazing one.
7. Bravery Will Get You Far
Being brave doesn’t just help with a camping trip.
No, no, no.
From being brave in the wilderness, where unpredictable things can happen at any time, I have learned to be incredibly brave in civilization as well.
Bravery can help you get a good job, to combat bullies (at school and the workplace), and to kill all fear that comes your way, plus a lot more.
The bottom line: Camping will increase your self-confidence and trust in yourself. Bravery follows
Final Words…
Camping seems like an easy task that anyone can do, but unfortunately this is not the case.
You’re probably scared to go camping yourself, or maybe you know someone that wouldn’t touch a campsite with a 10-foot barge pole.
I know camping is difficult, and very scary for most people.
But guess what?
When you combat all fear and begin camping traditionally, you will start noticing HUGE changes in your life.
And that is the beauty of camping. You learn life lessons that will help combat all obstacles back in civilization as well as the wilderness.
Thanks for reading.
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I’d also like to hear what you have to say
1. What was the biggest lesson you’ve learned from a camping trip?
2. Or are you still on the fence about going camping?
Comment your answers below. I reply ASAP.