I am an avid camper and have camped for many moons, many sunshine’s, hail storms, snow, rainstorms and even thunderstorms.
I’ve done it all!
I will be explaining why I think summer is the best time to go camping.
You’ll also be able to see if the other seasons are a good choice for you, because they are all different with different things to offer.
Winter Camping
Winter camping is right at the bottom of my list for camping.
It is too difficult to learn how to do it properly.
I know how to do it and I have actually done it many times before, but for the sake of this article, I want you to have the very BEST time with the least amount of stress as possible.
You won’t get that if you have no idea what you are doing!
However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it in the future (when you’re much more experienced), because you absolutely should.
Picture this: Snowy terrain, glowing landscapes, colder temperatures, different animals and frozen lakes.
The terrain is SO much different in the winter than any other time of the year.
Basically, it’s going to be a disaster without the proper knowledge.
And that brings me to my next preferred season to camp – spring!
Spring Camping
Again, spring offers an entirely different landscape than any other season.
Even though spring is still a viable camping option, there are still fewer crowds than the summertime.
If you ask me, spring is the most beautiful time to go camping simply because all of nature is waking up around you.
The birds are chirping, the air is clean, everything is new and bright, AND it’s warm!
Main benefits:
- Campsites are cheaper
- Less bugs
- The temperature is just right
- The scent from trees, grass and flowers are amazing
- You deserve it after being hibernated for so long
Summer Camping
Uhhh…traditional summer camping.
Who would’ve thought this would be my favorite time to go camping? Well…most peoples favorite actually!
I love the sun, the glowing lakes and the happy sounds of families having fun in the distant.
I have camped with my family ever since I was a child, and it was done during the summer. That’s probably what caused me to enjoy it as an adult too!
Here’s why I think summer is the best time to go camping:
- It’s easier for everyone involved. You don’t even have to worry about the kids getting cold at nighttime!
- You get to see the clear night sky. You can see the clear night sky in other seasons but it isn’t as good as in the summer. You have to take advantage of these warmer months as much as possible, so remove that rain fly off and sleep under the stars! You and your family will love it!
- The sunset and sunrise. Okay – so if this isn’t a good enough excuse – I don’t know what is
I enjoy getting up early in the morning, firing up the campfire and eating my breakfast burrito…then finding a great place to watch the sunrise. Even better, wake the kids up and let them see it as well! You will create unforgettable memories my friend
- Taking a baby is much easier, even a newborn. It is much easier to take a newborn camping with you, as the air is much warmer than the other months. Sometimes it can be too cold and risky during the other seasons, but summer provides the best temperature for your child
- Nature is at its peak during the summer. The pollen has died down by these months but the smells of nature are undeniably much better. Take full advantage of the outdoors by taking plenty of pictures. Make everyone back home jealous
- You can go cheap. The temperature’s already high so you don’t need to fork out on expensive clothing and gear to keep you warm, nor do you need expensive sleeping bags or tents.
Fall Camping
If you’re more of a picturesque type of person, you’ll absolutely love camping in the fall. The different colors create astonishing views.
Find a high point and take pictures of the different hues!
But keep in mind that wearing the right clothing is a must, as the temperature is much colder than the summertime so you’ll need to invest in more expensive (warm) gear.
And just like spring and winter, you can find affordable prices for campgrounds.
It is also much easier to get to sleep since the air isn’t overly hot. Just snuggle up and get a restful nights sleep my friend
Final Thoughts
Of course what season you camp in is completely up to you.
But ask yourself these questions first:
Are you taking children? Summer camping would be the best choice.
Do you want to go relatively cheap if you don’t have expensive gear to keep you warm? Summer camping it is.
What type of landscapes do you wish to see? They all offer different views.
Do you enjoy the heat? Go summer camping.
Are you an experienced camper and wish to increase your knowledge? Go winter camping.
Are you more of a lone wolf? Spring and fall camping might be better for you since there’ll be less crowded sites.
Thanks for reading!
I hope you found what you were looking for in this article.
Let me know in the comments:
1. When is your favorite time to go camping?
2. Have you had a bad camping experience and what season did it happen in?
Camping Mastery
Great Article! Myself being a Boy Scout when I was younger have been camping many times and could not agree with you more about summer being the best time to go. I really never thought about how much more expensive it would be to go in colder seasons. Having to buy all that extra gear and clothes can be a pocket drainer.
One more thing, of all the times I’ve been camping I’ve never camped under the stars. I will be removing the rain fly off my tent next time. Thanks again
Yes, that’s another great reason why summer camping is much better than any other time of the year. If you do decide to take the rain fly off, please do yourself a big favor and double-check the weather – and often. You will be surprised at how quickly a rainstorm can come your way and soak you and your gear before you have time to put the rain fly back on!
Hope this helps
Great thoughts on when to go camping Brandon. My personal favorite is summer, but fall is a close second. There’s something to be said for the crisp air, the colorful surroundings and roasting over the fire at night when it’s a bit chillier. I’ve never gone winter camping…no thank you lol. Really good info for those with children. I’d agree summer would probably be the best. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed it!
I can not agree with you more, Maria. Staying snug by the campfire can feel AMAZING. But personally, it all depends on my mood and who I am camping with. Sometimes I just like to keep it simple – a basic (summer) camping trip at a public campground. Even though it’s so traditional, it is still my all-time favorite just because I’ve grown up like that.
Hi Brandon,
Let me first start off by saying i HATE winter camping. Never had much success with it. The last time i went winter camping my wife packed for the wrong weather LOL. Its funny now but it wasn’t so funny back then :). I spent a lot of my time in Jamaica so i tend to appreciate when it’s warmer, I absolutely love spring or summer camping. I took the kids out last summer and they enjoyed way more than I did. I have been camping for some time now so I think I am going to give the winter camping another try.
Great article! Very informative… Keep posting some awesome tips Brandon
Well that doesn’t sound too good! Packing for the wrong weather is a recipe for disaster. But it’s good to know you’re getting your kids involved in your camping trips. And I hope you take on winter camping again soon, because it offers SO much different benefits, scenery, atmosphere, animals, and everything else. But you need to experience it to know how amazing it really is.
Good luck,
Brandon, I love the idea of Spring camping, don’t remember trying this. Fewer bugs is a real plus in my book!
For Summer camping, I love going into the cooler mountains during a real heatwave. This saves everyone’s tempers, especially mine!
It’s great to think of the varied seasons and appreciate each time for what it is. I definitely am beyond the adventurous idea of Winter camping, but it evokes visions of tough, fit people gaining in health and vigor.
Fall is lovely for the colors and I am remembering the Rockies as I read this. The Aspen color is out of this world and there is nothing like standing under a grove of yellow Aspens and looking up during a breeze, listening to the crisp clapping of the leaves!
Yes! Less bugs is a massive plus!
You are 100% correct, Lynne. Each season provides different colors and temperatures – even entirely different landscapes for that matter. What season you decide to go camping in is entirely up to you, but do keep in mind that each have their own pros and cons, and I hope I have outlined them good enough in this article.
To add one story of a bad experience, when I was a child, we went camping on the Labor Day holiday. We thought we were all set. The weather report was good, but you know how quickly this can change in the Rockies? We started setting up camp and within minutes it began to snow. We were not prepared for snow weather and we pulled up stakes and went home. I never was so disappointed as a child! All the best to you and your family, Lynne
Wow, I can only imagine how sad that would have been for you. That’s just another example as to how quickly the weather can change and how much us parents need to be prepared just in case something like this does happen. Hope all goes well for you
Hi Brandon,
My favorite time to go camping is in the Winter. I live in Phoenix, Arizona and when I go camping it’s not to far from here, so going anytime other than Winter is downright miserable. Just too damn hot!
One of these days I need to travel outside Arizona for a camping trip. Any suggestions just outside AZ?
Great one, Josh
Joshua Tree national park is simply amazing, while Yogi Bears Yellowstone Park is another one of my favorites.
Hi Brandon,
Your description of winter camping actually sounds more appealing to me than summer camping. I like the summer but much prefer to be cool when I’m sleeping. I’m also allergic to a lot of natural stuff (grass and trees in high doses don’t suit me well). The thought of the quiet and cold of the winter and a being bundled up when it’s frigid outside actually sounds really, really neat to me!
My sweetheart loves camping and does so many times though the summer. She jokes that she’ll get me out camping one day. Maybe winter is the time?
Thanks for a great article!
Each to their own. Winter camping is a great choice, and I highly recommend you try it at least once in your life, then you’ll know if you enjoy it or not. However, one thing you DON’T want to do is go camping in the winter time when you don’t know what you’re doing, and that’s simply because it is very difficult – a lot harder than all the other seasons!
Hi Brandon!
Well my favorite time camping is summer too. I hate going camping in the autumn because in my country it rains a lot and there is a lot of mud and in the winter I won’t even dare to go camping because it is too cold. What are your must have equipment when going camping?
I have a lot of them actually, but my favorite is a drone and/or camera. You need to have something to look back on and re-live the moment, which is why these two gadgets are at the top of my list. Other than that, I like to keep it simple.
So I like to take a tent, cooking equipment and food, sleeping bag and pad, bushcraft knife, firestarter, etc.
Oh, I love camping anytime! But the season definitely sets the tone for just how hard or easy it’s gonna be…there’s been a couple times I’ve camped in the fall, when the leaves are changing and it’s peak beauty…but then spend the night shivering because I didn’t pack enough warm layers. those late summer/early autumn days are the most beautiful but it’s so easy to underestimate how cold it gets at night. thanks for the good run down of the different factors that go into camping during different seasons!
Each to their own, Betsy. If you don’t know what to expect in the season you are going to camp in, you better do a lot of research, so you can be prepared for cold nights, snow, or extremely hot conditions.
All the seasons are entirely different.
No problem. And good luck on your next camping trip.