There are no bathrooms in the wilderness, a lot of bugs, no air conditioning, no electricity, no WiFi, but most of all, no running water!
So why exactly do a lot of people consider camping as a great vacation to go on?
Is camping overrated and is it a lot more wiser to just stay in your comfortable home, rather than be out where all the chaos is?
Keep reading this article and discover whether camping is really worth it in the first place.
Enjoy 🙂
The Bad Things About Camping
- Cooking is extremely difficult. It makes it even harder when you have to cook for the entire family! Preparing, cooking, and cleaning up – what a nightmare
- Comfortable camping chairs? Yeah right, my couch that’s 10 years old is much more comfortable than those
- There’s absolutely no running water unless you’re in a public campsite
- You have to purchase specialized outdoor gear if you want to stay safe from the elements
- Wildlife…who in their right mind would want to wake up to a possum rummaging through their tent
- Mosquitoes and other bloodsucking creatures just make being outside 100 times worse
- If you get lost, you actually have to use your brain to find your way back to civilization. Google Maps doesn’t work in the wilderness…sadly 🙁
The Good Things About Camping
- Stress is virtually non-existent out in the wild. It’s just a matter of taking your mind off the problems you face back at home, live in the moment, and ultimately making the most of your time while you can
- All day sunshine! Back at home, you are limited to how much sunshine you are exposed to. Work, running errands, cooking dinner, everything gets in the way. It’s only a matter of time before the stress gets to you
- It’s good for the body, mind, and soul. There’s a good reason why so many people take up camping traditionally, and that’s because it’s incredibly healthy for you, physically and mentally. And yes, this means your mood increases as well 🙂
- You create unforgettable memories for you, your friends, and family. We are so isolated from everyone in this day and age. Put the iPhone’s down for a change and go spend a weekend in the great outdoors together!
- You are totally free. I don’t know about you, but being tied down to a job and having to answer to your boss everyday just makes freedom non-existent. Well out in the wilderness, you will experience TRUE freedom
- It offers activities that cities don’t offer. Cities don’t have mother nature, no fresh air, and no fishing or kayaking opportunities! Which is 2 of my favorite camping activities by the way 🙂
- Camping is by far one of the most cost-effective vacations you can go on in this day and age. There, I said it, and I don’t regret it either!
So Is Camping Overrated?
In my honest opinion, no! It is actually underrated when you look at the bigger picture.
I’d like to elaborate on something.
“Inexpensive” is the keyword.
But why?
If you want to stay in a hotel/motel for a night, you’ll be looking at an average of $200.
If you’re looking to fly overseas for a vacation, that’s a couple of grand when you include flying costs, accommodation, etc.
But then what do you get out of being in a hotel for one night? Not very much.
However, what do you get out of being free and in the wild? A heck of a lot more! While it’s only a fraction of the cost of a hotel as well 🙂
So to answer this question one more time – camping is FAR from being overrated.
It is one of the best vacations you can go on, mostly because you can go inexpensive and still have a marvelous time in the process, with much better experiences than what any hotel can offer you.
My Final Words
That’s my take on it all. Take it as a grain of salt, if you will.
Because at the end of the day, it is your life and you can live it however you like to.
But if you ask me, the pros and benefits that come with camping in the great outdoors HEAVILY outweigh any bad/negatives.
Camping might seem heavily overrated, probably because so many people like to brag about it, but it definitely is not.
I have hundreds of great memories (literally) that I can look back on and laugh about, smile, and live in the moment again.
So remember to spend heaps of time with your friends and family, take lots of photos, and ultimately have as much fun as possible.
Do you want that? Great, then get out there and have some fun!
Thanks for reading. I hoped you found what you were looking for 🙂
I’d like to hear your thoughts and opinions as well.
Do you think camping is overrated? Leave a comment below.
Camping Mastery