Just like every other human being on earth, you and I make mistakes. I’ve made a lot of them over the years when out camping, and I want you to avoid them before they happen to you. Because it isn’t good when you make a huge mistake, especially when camping is about relaxing and having the…
Coleman Naugatuck Tent Review – Finally A Good 6 Person Tent?
A tent for camping is very important. As it will be no use to you if it can’t even hold up in strong winds or even resist the rain. I will research this tent and write down my Coleman Naugatuck Tent review in this article. I’m going to find out if it is actually a…
Best 6 Person Tent: 3 Personal Reviews
I’m here to let you know what the best 6 person tent is. But instead of just providing my all-time favorite, and because each tent has their own pros and cons, while every tent is different and each tent will make a different fit for each individual – I will mention my top favorite in this…
Eureka Apex Solo Tent Review – A Little Heavier Than Other Tents
I am writing this article because I enjoy reviewing tents. This is my unbiased, Eureka Apex Solo Tent review. I will find out if this product is worth the price you pay or simply a waste of money. I am an honest guy with an honest opinion, so I will thoroughly research this tent and write down…
Camping In A Tent – The Ultimate Guide For Dummies
A lot of newbie campers who go on a first time trip end up making it a disaster. My tent camping dummies guide in which you will find throughout this article is going to get your ready for the outdoors. First and foremost, this is basically a crash course to the outdoor world – how you…
Eureka Midori Solo Tent Review – A Really Good Tent
With a world full of bad tents – you never know what you’re going to get – especially when all manufacturers claim that their tents are really that good, so I decided research this tent and write my Eureka Midori Solo Tent review in this article. Sometimes you will be let down as soon as you take it out of the…
Make Fun Your #1 Priority When Camping With A Kid
Should you really go tent camping with a kid or is it too risky and dangerous? No it isn’t, and I will be explaining everything that you need to know and showing you exactly how to camp with a kid in this article. From before you embark on your journey, all the way to the…
How to Train Your Dog for a Camping Trip
I really like camping with dogs, I have a couple of them and tend to bring them along with the family Because staying at home with your dog can get really boring, with the only times your dog gets to go out is for a quick walk around the block when you finally get…
Kelty Trail Ridge 3 Tent Review – Mesh Walls And 2 Doors Make This Tent
In this article you will find my Kelty Trail Ridge 3 Tent review. The manufacturers of this tent are truly praising this tent like there’s no tomorrow, claiming it to be that good. So I thought that’s all the more reason to do some thorough research on this product and find out if it’s worth the…
5 Reasons Why You Should Go Camping This Summer
I have never asked myself the question; “why should I go camping?”, however I bet many of you have, and you’re probably wondering why so many people go on these exploration missions out into the wilderness, oftentimes alone… There’s literally a wide range of reasons to go camping and exploring what the world has to…